Formica is a perfect choice for kitchen areas as a sort of furnishing from any angle including edgings, surfaces, and accents because it gives countertops an awesome and smooth look. The use of this product is the easy way to create innovation, giving a rich luxurious sensation to kitchen counter tops, vanity tops, wet bars, table tops, windowsills and more custom application.
Formica is not only one of the elegant surface materials that are widely used of today modern sophisticated technology but also one of the most long-lasting products with proven strength and resilient.
It can be available in the forms of natural stone as well as wooden in different designs, colors and patterns. Most typically, it is made from synthetic a resin which has the ability to be resistant to extreme heat, stains, impacts and chemicals. It comprises of several materials that are joined together using high amounts of pressure to form a durable solid surface. This combination of features provides a rich appearance that is easy to care for, so its beauty and elegance can be well-preserved for many years to come.
Since this material is easy to maintain, it can endure to look as good as new for many years under normal conditions. It provides a good maintenance and can be textured with appearance of natural stone in an affordable budget.